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Participating in SIG-DOCS

SIG-DOCS is one of the special interest groups within the Kubernetes project, focused on writing, updating, and maintaining the documentation for Kubernetes as a whole.

SIG Docs welcomes content and reviews from all contributors. Anyone can open a pull request (PR), and anyone is welcome to comment on content or pull requests in progress.

Within the Kubernetes project, you may also become a member, reviewer, or approver. These roles confer additional privileges and responsibilities when it comes to approving and committing changes. See community-membership for more information on how membership works within the Kubernetes community.

Roles and Responsibilities

The automation reads /hold, /lgtm, and /approve comments and sets labels on the pull request. When a pull request has the lgtm and approve labels without any hold labels, the pull request merges automatically. Kubernetes org members, and reviewers and approvers for SIG Docs can add comments to control the merge automation.

Teams and groups within SIG Docs

You can get an overview of SIG Docs from the community github repo. The SIG Docs group defines two teams on Github:

These groups maintain the Kubernetes website repository, which houses the content hosted at this site. Both can be referenced with their @name in github comments to communicate with everyone in that group.

These teams overlap, but do not exactly match, the groups used by the automation tooling. For assignment of issues, pull requests, and to support PR approvals, the automation uses information from the OWNERS file.

To volunteer as a reviewer or approver, make a pull request and add your Github handle to the relevant section in the OWNERS file.

Note: Reviewers and approvers must meet requirements for participation. For more information, see the Kubernetes community repository.

Documentation for the OWNERS explains how to maintain OWNERS for each repository that enables it.

The Kubernetes website repository has two automation (prow) plugins enabled:

These two plugins use the OWNERS and OWNERS_ALIASES files in our repo for configuration.

What's next

For more information about contributing to the Kubernetes documentation, see:


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